§ MR. STRACHEY (Somerset, S.)I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether the receipt of food or drink supplied by a relieving officer of a Union, by order of a district medical officer, to a Parliamentary or local government elector, renders him liable to be struck off such Registers of electors?
§ MR. H. H. FOWLERI have no power to decide the question put by my hon. Friend, but I am advised that the receipt of food or drink supplied by a relieving officer on the recommendation of a district medical officer having authority to give such recommendation would not deprive a person of his right to be registered or to vote as a Parliamentary or local government elector.
§ MR. STRACHEYWill the right hon. Gentleman send a Circular to Boards of Guardians requesting them to instruct their relieving officers accordingly?
§ MR. H. H. FOWLERIt is not a question for relieving officers; it rests with the Revising Barristers.