HC Deb 20 February 1894 vol 21 c830
CAPTAIN BAGOT) (Westmoreland, Kendal)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General, with regard to the fact that the Chamber of Commerce of Kendal have arranged with the National Telephone Company for a local exchange, extending over the Lake District area, on condition that the exchange is connected with the trunk line which passes through the area within five miles of Kendal, will he explain why the Post Office have refused to sanction the erection of the necessary short trunk line, thereby making it impossible to carry out the agreement?


Under the agreement now in course of negotiation the Post Office will take over the entire trunk wire system of the country, and, pending the completion of the agreement, the company have undertaken to abstain from laving down any new trunk wires. The Post Office is now itself gradually carrying out the scheme of providing trunk wires between the important towns of the United Kingdom, and the claims of Kendal will be duly considered, along with those of other towns.