HC Deb 20 February 1894 vol 21 cc843-4
MR. H. PLUNKETT (Dublin Co., S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that ox-constable Samuel Smyth, of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, while on duty at Ashdown Paces on 4th April, 1893, was so injured by a runaway horse as to be unfit for further work, and that he was discharged from the force on a pension of £22 12s. 5d., since raised to £30 3s. 2d.; and whether, under the circumstances, he will consider the claim for a further increase of the pension more nearly approximating to the amount which the applicant would have received had he been enabled to continue his full time in the service?


I am informed that the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury were pleased to increase ex-constable Smyth's pension to the latter of the two sums mentioned; and that the award of the larger amount is the maximum allowed by the Pension Act, 46 Viet., c. 24, to a man of his length of service unfitted by accidental injury. Under these circumstances, there is no power to reconsider the case in the direction indicated in the question of my hon. Friend.