HC Deb 16 February 1894 vol 21 c594

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is the case that the French are still entrenched and fortified at Chantabun, being in control of the town as well as of the port and river; when the stipulations of the Franco-Siamese Convention upon which this continued occupation is contingent are likely to be carried out; and when the promised evacuation of Chantabun by the French may be expected?


The French forces are, so far as Her Majesty's Government are aware, still in occupation of an entrenched position at Chantabun on high ground above the town. Explicit assurances have been received from the French Government that they are most desirous of leaving the place at the earliest opportunity, and that the French forces will not remain a day after the Siamese have fulfilled their engagements under the Treaty. One of those engagements, however, has not yet been completely carried out—namely, the trial of the persons accused of complicity in causing the death of M. Grosgurin; but arrangements for the constitution of the tribunal for this purpose are in progress.


As soon as that particular condition has been carried out may we expect the evacuation will occur?


Yes; that is the only possible interpretation which can be placed upon the assurances of the French Government.

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