HC Deb 15 February 1894 vol 21 cc456-7
MR. MOLLOY (King's Co., Birr)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that under the existing law there is power given to England and Scotland to deport Irish paupers, even those who have worked all their lives in these countries, to Ireland to be supported in the Irish workhouses; and that in the case of English and Scotch paupers in Ireland there is no power given to Ireland to deport such paupers to either England or Scotland; and if he will take steps, by the introduction of a Bill or otherwise, to remedy this grievance?


Persons born in Ireland, and becoming chargeable to the rates in England and Scotland, without having acquired a settlement in these countries, can be removed to Ireland irrespective of the time which may have elapsed since they left. Ireland, and there is no power at present to remove paupers from Ireland to England or Scotland. I have already more than once expressed the opinion that the existing law regarding the deportation of paupers operates with harshness in Ireland. Nor am I alone in this opinion, for previous occupants of my Office have taken the same view. I have directed the heads of a, measure to be framed, and the Government will consider the propriety of introducing it in the coining Session.

MR. WOLFF (Belfast, E.)

May I ask whether the right hon. Gentleman is aware that Belfast suffers especially from this deportation; and whether there is no way of dealing with it except by a special Act of Parliament?


I believe it is quite impossible to deal with the matter without legislation. I am not aware that Belfast is specially affected by the grievance. If so, it would be for Belfast to consider whether this Parliament was best fitted to deal with the question.