§ MR. A. O'CONNORI beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether all Excise officers in Ireland are supplied with hydrometers, and whether they hare always available means or receive directions to test the accuracy of spirit dealers' hydrometers, or the accuracy of the permits which spirit dealers issue to customers, or the strength of the whisky sent out under these permits?
§ SIR J. T. HIBBERT(who replied) said: All Excise officers in Ireland are not supplied with hydrometers, but only those who have to use them in the performance of their duties. The Depart- 380 ment has no power to test the accuracy of spirit dealers' hydrometers. The correctness of the permits (or, more accurately, certificates) referred to is always capable of being checked. A spirit-dealer is liable to a penalty of £100 for every incorrect certificate he sends to a customer.
§ MR. A. O'CONNORwished to know what system of checking these certificates was employed, or whether there was any check at all?
§ SIR J. T. HIBBERTAll the certificates, I presume, are examined.
§ SIR W. LAWSONIs there any special officer to test the strength of the whisky?
§ SIR J. T. HIBBERTI cannot say that.