HC Deb 20 August 1894 vol 29 cc121-3

54. £1,402,100,Victualling and Clothing for the Navy.

55. £143,900, Medical Establishments and Services.

56. £10,600, Martial Law, &c.

57. £79,100, Educational Services.

58, £61,600, Scientific Services.

59. £205,800, Royal Naval Reserves.

60. £1,383,200, Naval Armaments.

61. £173,800, Miscellaneous Effective Services.

62. £231,200, Admiralty Office.


protested against the way in which the Votes had been pushed off till the very end of the Session. It was simply because the Government chose to waste time earlier in the Session by bringing in Bills which they never intended to pass. They had that night voted between £30,000,000 and £40,000,000 without discussion simply because there was no time for discussion; and he could not allow the opportunity to pass without protesting against the manner in which the Votes had been hurried through without any examination.


The hon. Member has assented in his own person to what has been done. The proceedings to-night are taken in entire concert with the regular Leader of the Opposition, and for the hon. Member to take on himself to repudiate that action is a remarkable proceeding.


I have done nothing of the sort. ["Order!"] I expressly guarded myself against attacking the granting of Supply to-night, and I have done nothing to delay the passing of these Votes. I hope the Chancellor of the Exchequer and his followers will have the fairness when I am grossly misrepresented to allow me to explain what I did say. Vote after Vote, including some 10 Navy Votes, on which we could have spoken we have allowed to pass. What I protest against is the way in which the Government have pushed off these Votes till to-night; and in that I do represent the spirit of the whole Opposition. If the Leader of the Opposition were here tonight ho would, I am sure, make similar observations to those I am addressing to the Committee against the way Supply has been pushed off this year till the very close of the Session.


said, a protest ought to be made against the attempt of the right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer to shelter himself under what he called an agreement with the Opposition. At this period of the Session the Opposition were pushed into a corner. They were entitled to a proper opportunity for the discussion of the Estimates, but it was now the end of the Session, the House was exhausted, and no attempt had been made to afford that opportunity. The responsibility altogether rested with the Government.

Vote agreed to.

The following Votes were agreed to:—

63. £757,000, Half-Pay, Reserved, and Retired Pay.

64. £990,400, Naval and Marine Pensions, Gratuities, and Compassionate Allowances.

65. £312,600, Civil Pensions and Gratuities.

66. £60,300, Additional Naval Force for Service in Australasian Waters.

Resolutions to be reported To-morrow.