HC Deb 20 August 1894 vol 29 cc22-3
MR. THORNTON (Clapham)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether the late Sir E. Landseer's picture of the Duke of Wellington revisiting the field of Waterloo with his daughter-in-law, the Marchioness of Douro, is to be permanently located in the provinces, where it has been for some years; and whether he will endeavour to secure for the present generation of Londoners an opportunity of seeing it either in the National Gallery or at South Kensington?

THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Sir J. T. HIBBERT, Oldham) (who replied) said

I am informed by the Director of the National Gallery that Sir Edwin Landseer's picture, entitled "A Dialogue at Waterloo," was removed from South Kensington to the National Gallery with the rest of the Vernon Collection, in 1876, and remained there until 1883, in which year it was lent to the National Gallery of Ireland, where it has been ever since. It is not at present proposed to recall the loan, as, owing to the large size of the picture, there is not sufficient space for its exhibition here.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the original donor stipulated that the picture should be kept in London?


I will call the attention of the Trustees of the National Gallery to what the hon. Member says.