MR. T. M. HEALYI beg to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland, with regard to the allegations as to the state of the South Meath Register of Electors, whether, in view of the imputations made being cleared up, he will direct an in- 1392 formal inquiry by the Revising Barrister, or some other gentleman, into the existence of the errors, discrepancies, and mistakes alleged, and order a Report to be made to him on the subject?
MR. J. MORLEYI quite agree that it is desirable that these matters should be cleared up, and that some account should be given of the discrepancies. Whether the method pointed out by my hon. and learned Friend is the one most convenient to adopt, I am not sure at this moment; but I will seriously consider it, and will certainly take that or some other method in order to meet my hon. Friend's views.