§ MR. MACDONA (Southwark, Rotherhithe)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that the negotiations for the sale of H.M.S. Benbow, one of the historical old frigates in our Navy, to a German firm at Stettin, for the purpose of being broken up, have fallen through; and whether the Admiralty will consider if it would be practicable to give this old frigate to the watermen, lightermen, and seamen on the Thames, as a resort and resting place for recreation and refreshment, and anchor it off Rotherhithe, where Admiral Benbow spent so many years of his life?
THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY (Sir U. KAY-SHUTTLE-WORTH,) Lancashire, ClitheroeThe answer to the first paragraph is in the affirmative. As regards paragraph 2, the hon. Gentleman is evidently not aware that the Benbow is quite unfit for the purpose which his question suggests, though she is of considerable pecuniary value and will shortly be advertised for sale.