§ MR. ROSSI beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if the training ship Northampton may be expected to visit Lough Foyle; and, if so, when?
§ CAPTAIN DONELAN (Cork, E.)May I respectfully point out to you, Mr. Speaker, that the hon. Member for Derry has merely copied a question which appeared in my name on the Order Paper last Monday—and which at the request of the Secretary to the Admiralty, I postponed until to-day, and which, in fact, appears later in the Paper—simply substituting "Lough Foyle" for "Cork Harbour"? May I ask you, Sir, whether the offspring should be permitted to take precedence? I am aware, Sir, that 1237 imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I think in this ease it has been carried a little too far.
§ * MR. SPEAKERThe answer of the Minister may possibly satisfy both hon. Gentlemen.
* THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY (Sir U. KAY-SHUTTLEWORTH,) Lancashire, ClitheroPerhaps I may answer the two questions together. My answer to the hon. Member for East Cork is, the Northampton arrived at Queenstown on the evening of the 12th instant. In answer to the hon. Member for Derry, I have to say that Lough Foyle is not included among the places to be visited by the Northampton during her present cruise.
§ MR. ROSSasked whether the right hon. Gentleman was aware that it was 10 years since the Channel Fleet visited Lough Foyle? Why did the Admiralty treat Lough Foyle in that manner? They even refused this year to send the ordinary gunboat to Londonderry Regatta.
* SIR U. KAY-SHUTTLEWORTHEvery port has its turn. The Channel Fleet has lately been to Lough Swilly, which is in the immediate vicinity. It is impossible to visit all the places which pay the Fleet the compliment of wishing for a visit. As to the sending of a gunboat to a regatta, there is a general rule regulating that.
§ MR. WEIR (Ross and Cromarty)Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a promise was made a fortnight ago that the Northampton should be sent to Stornoway?
§ * MR. SPEAKEROrder, order! That does not arise out of the question on the Paper.