§ MR. MANDEV1LLE (Tipperary, S.)I beg to ask the Postmaster General is he aware that the people of Ardfinnan and of Bansha, County Tipperary, want to have postal telegraph offices established at both those places, and that they have applied to the Post Office authorities to facilitate them; if he is aware that the telegraph wires are already fixed up in Bansha, but that there is no telegraphic communication between 1232 those wires and the local post office adjoining; is he aware that the telegraph wires of the Waterford and Limerick Railway are about five miles off Ardfinnan Post Office; and will he give postal telegraphic offices at Ardfinnan and at Bansha?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. A. MORLEY,) Nottingham, E.It is the fact that applications have been received for the establishment of telegraph offices at Ardfinnan and Bansha Post Offices. I regret to find that in neither case is the extension likely to prove remunerative; and I am therefore precluded by Treasury Regulations from affording the desired facilities except under guarantee, the amount of which in each case I will communicate to the hon. Member. The wires to which the hon. Member refers in the case of Bansha are through wires, which are not available for serving that office. It would be necessary to erect a new wire from Bansha Post Office to Tipperary. The hon. Member is probably aware that the guarantee might be given by the Local Authority.