§ MR. KENNEDY (Kildare, N.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Edenderry Board of Guardians, at the suggestion of the Local Government Board, did on the 21st of July last reconsider their previous decision (to deprive the labourer M'Namara, Balrennet, of the cottage which was built on his representation), and by a majority passed a resolution restoring M'Namara; and that on the 4th of August, on the motion of Mr. Tyrell, J.P., the resolution of the 21st of July was rescinded, leaving the case as it stood previously; and will the Local Government Board, in view of their own statement that the course adopted by the Edenderry Board of Guardians was contrary to the spirit and intention of the Labourers Acts, again make an effort to have the Guardians reconsider this case, or will the Local Government Board, in view of the Guardians resolution of the 21st of July, now take the decision into their own hands?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. J. MORLEY,) Newcastle-upon-TyneThe facts are correctly stated in the first paragraph. The Guardians' resolution of the 21st of July giving the house to M'Namara was passed by a majority of 11 to eight, and the resolution of the 4th of August which rescinded that of the 21st of July after due notice, was passed by 14 to seven. The Local Government Board have addressed the Guardians several times on the subject, and pointed out that the course adopted by them was contrary to the spirit and intention of the Labourers Act. The Guardians, however, still adhere to their determination not to give the cottage to M'Namara, and I may add that so far as the Local Government Board are aware the majority of Guardians, by whom the rescinding resolution of the 4th instant was passed, was made up of eight elected and six ex officio Guardians. As the law at present stands, the selection of occupants for cottages under the Labourers Acts entirely rests with the Guardians, and the Board have no power to take the selection of a tenant 982 for the cottage in question into their own hands.
§ MR. KENNEDYAs this is a case of great hardship and injustice will the Irish Local Government Board make a further effort to induce the Guardians to reconsider their decision?
§ MR. J. MORLEYAs I have already explained, the Board have no power to take the selection of a tenant into their own hands.
§ MR. KENNEDYBut cannot the right hon. Gentleman ask the Board to reconsider the decision come to?
§ MR. J. MORLEYMy information is that the Local Government Board do not think that even the presence of one of their Inspectors at the next meeting of the Guardians would have any effect in inducing them to reconsider their decision. I believe the case is not a very strong one on all its merits.