HC Deb 14 August 1894 vol 28 c991

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the condition of the water supply at Aldershot; whether he is aware that the boys of the Public School Battalion were warned not to drink the water, as it was so bad that even the filters were insufficient and out of order; and whether he will take steps to secure at once an ample supply of potable water?


(who replied) said: There is an ample supply of excellent potable water for the troops at Aldershot from the Bourley reservoirs, and this water was supplied to the boys of the Public School Battalion by means of a standpipe fixed to the main. Notices are put on certain pumps that the water from these wells is to be used for washing purposes only.


Is it not a fact that the boys were cautioned not to drink the water during the recent movements of the Public School Battalion?


The caution had reference to a particular kind of water, which was kept for sanitary and not for drinking purposes.