HC Deb 13 August 1894 vol 28 cc773-4
MR. T. M. I1EALY () Louth, N.

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if it has been brought to his notice that James Craig, Kate Collector, Strabane Union, is in arrear with his collection, £312, in consequence of which some voters must be disqualified for non-payment of rates at the forthcoming revision for North Tyrone; whether Craig furnished the Clerk of Union with any list of defaulters, so that official objections might be entered on the Voters List for non-payment of rates; whether the private objector for the North Tyrone Nationalists, John Torish, applied for and was refused permission to inspect the list of defaulters, if such exists: whether, last year, a number of persons in Craig's collection, who had not paid rates, were allowed without objection to remain on the Register; and whether the Government will secure that private objectors for political parties in North Tyrone and elsewhere shall be allowed free access to all Poor Law records and documents on which the right to the franchise depends, so that if, whether by mistake, neglect, or any other cause the Union officials fail in their duty, an opportunity may be given to correct errors in time to affect the Register?


I have received a Report from the Local Government Hoard on this question of my hon. and learned Friend, but as there are certain matters in respect of which I desire some further information, I shall lie glad if he will defer it until Thursday next.


As the rate collector has again refused our Inspector access to his books, will the right hon. Gentleman call his attention to the fact that he is acting contrary to Act of Parliament?


I will cause immediate inquiry to lie made.