HC Deb 09 August 1894 vol 28 cc481-3

I beg to move for leave to introduce a short Bill affecting the Congested Districts Board, and approved by the Leader of the Opposition, who is a member of the Board. Its provisions are very simple, and I can explain them, I think, in one minute. The Congested Districts Board is empowered to purchase laud with a view to sale to the tenants afterwards. The tenant approaches the Land Commissioners in the ordinary way, and the Land Commissioners make an advance. In the case of an ordinary landlord the Land Commission requires, as the House knows, a guarantee and deposit to the extent of one-fifth of the purchase money. In this Bill we propose, in the case of purchasers by the Congested Districts Board, that in advances made by that Board the retention of the guarantee deposit shall not be required, the Board guaranteeing the payment of the one-fifth in case there should be a default. Then, as to another point. In an ordinary case of sale and purchase the tenant buys at a rate which satisfies what is called the claims of the Tenants Insurance Fund. We propose that in that case, too, the Bill shall guarantee an amount equal to the guarantee deposit, and that the purchaser's insurance money shall not be more than 4 per cent. The cases so dealt with, so far as purchases are effected by the Congested Districts Board, will not be very numerous. They are of a peculiar character, and these provisions are essential for the carrying out of these powers of the Board. One other clause in the Bill makes provision for the appointment by the Board of certain of its own officers. I think that is the whole scope for the proposal.

Motion made, and Question proposed, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make further provision with respect to the Congested Districts Board for Ireland."—(Mr. J. Morley.)

MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

said, he did not offer any opposition to the Bill, but he should like to ask the right hon. Gentleman the Chief Secretary if he was right in concluding that the Board proposed to guarantee out of its own income?


That is so.


Then that seriously imperils what, after all, is a very small income for the purposes of the Board.

MR. BARTLEY (Islington, N.)

Does this Bill either directly or in- directly affect the taxpayer of England?"


Not unless the Congested Districts Board over-spends itself in regard to its income, and is unable to carry out its own guarantees.


Then the "predominant partner" would come in?



Motion agreed to.

Bill ordered to be brought in by Mr. J. Morley and Mr. A. J. Balfour.

Bill presented, and read first time. [Bill 353.]