HC Deb 07 August 1894 vol 28 c259

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been called to the case of one Bulwant Rao Bute, who was killed under circumstances of great brutality within British jurisdiction in the Gwalior State by Asad Jar Khan, the Superintendent of Police of the Indore State, and two of his subordinates, with the assistance of other persons; whether he is aware that these officers of the Indore State were tried by a special Judge and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, the Judge expressing his opinion that Asar Jar Khan, the Superintendent of the Indore Police, had bribed the Gwalior Police to assist him in the perpetration of the crime; whether he is aware that the widow of Bulwant Rao has, for the benefit of herself and family, repeatedly urged her claim to compensation from the Indore State for the slaughter of her husband, but without success; and whether Her Majesty's Government, through the Government of India, will take steps to secure that proper compensation is paid by the Indore State for the crime planned and committed by the chief of its Police Department?

* THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOK INDIA (Mr. H. H. FOWLER,) Wolver- 260 hampton, E.

The facts of this case are given in Parliamentary Paper No. 80 of 1893. The statement as to Asad Jar will be found in the Paper. He was convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and sentenced to 14 years' rigorous imprisonment and fine. I have no information as to the widow's claim for compensation, but will inquire.