HC Deb 03 August 1894 vol 28 c21
MR. PIERPOINT (Warrington)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to a Report presented to the Surrey County Council, on 31st July, by the medical officer of the county, in which it is stated that the spot where the sewage of Aldershot Camp is supposed to be disposed of is, instead of being a sewage farm, a sewage marsh, where pools of stagnant putrid sewage give rise to poisonous exhalations, which, if the cholera infection were introduced, would soon prove to be of a most deadly character; and whether, if the statement is founded on fact, he will take the necessary measures to get rid of the nuisance?


The Report referred to has been received by the War Office. The question of removing the sewage farm is under consideration, and steps have been taken to co-operate with the Local Board of Health of Aldershot town in the disposal of sewage at a place sufficiently remote from habitations.