HC Deb 03 August 1894 vol 28 c9
MR. HOPWOOD (Lancashire, S.E., Middleton)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the statement that a body of the Metropolitan Police has been or is about to be re-vaccinated; by whose orders is this directed; are the men's feelings consulted in the matter, and is any one of them entitled to decline; and is there any statutory power to force the proceeding on any unwilling men?


I understand that in cases in which it was deemed necessary, the police at Portland Town Police Station and the police of that subdivision, which is in the centre of the locality where small-pox has been so prevalent lately, were re-vaccinated, with the Commissioner's approval, on the recommendation of the chief surgeon to the Force. I am informed that none of the men made any objection. It is one of the qualifications for acceptance by every candidate that he shall be re-vaccinated on appointment as constable.

MR. W. JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)

So ought Members of Parliament.