HC Deb 02 August 1894 vol 27 cc1571-2
MR. CREMER (Shoreditch, Haggerston)

I beg to ask the Parliamentary Charity Commissioner whether any changes or reforms have been made in connection with the Charity known as St. Katherine's Hospital, situate in the Regent's Park, since the representative of the Charity Commissioners in this House described it as a "scandal"; and whether the Charity Commissioners are willing to lay upon the Table of the House a statement of the past and present position of the Charity, and the efforts which have been made to effect reforms in its administration?


I must refer the hon. Member to the replies given on the 27th of May, 1889, by the late Mr. W. H. Smith; on the 15th of September, 1893, by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Merionethshire; and on the 3rd of November, 1893, by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Midlothian. As the endowment is above the £50 limit, the Charity Commissioners have no power to frame a scheme, except upon the application of the trustees, and no such application has been made. The Lord Chancellor may frame new Rules, if so empowered by Royal Warrant, and it is understood that the subject is now engaging his attention.