HC Deb 05 April 1894 vol 22 cc1425-6

Order for Second Heading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a second time."


intimated that, as the sense of the House had been taken upon the East London Water Bill, he did not now propose to offer any opposition to the Second Reading of this measure, considering it proper, after the close Division, to allow this Bill also to go before the Committee. The circumstances of this Bill, however, distinctly differed from those of the East London Water Bill. They had a very strong case against the West Middlesex Bill, for he held in his hand a statement issued by the Company in April, 1892, in which they described their works as in a thoroughly good condition, and capable of meeting all demands for the present and in the future by extension from time to time. Since then there had been only an increase of ½ per cent. in the demand for water, and the Company's capital was not yet exhausted. Thus the case against the Bill was a strong one, but the House being so evenly divided in would be as well to let this Bill also proceed to a Committee. He would, however, reserve the right on a future day to place before the House certain Instructions to the Committee on this and the other Bills.

Motion agreed to.

Bill read a second time, and committed.