HC Deb 05 April 1894 vol 22 cc1453-4
SIR C. W. DILKE (Gloucester, Forest of Dean)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Government have received telegraphic information from Newfoundland to the effect that the Election Judges, having disqualified a portion of the Government majority on principles which are thought likely to apply to a large number of seats, including those held by the Government themselves, the supporters of the Government have petitioned the Governor to dissolve the Legislature elected last November, at the elections to which the largo number of Petitions against Government Members apply, while, on the other hand, the Opposition have offered to form a Government; and whether there is any objection to at once lay upon the Table, for the information of the House, the Papers which have been transmitted to the Colonial Office by cable telegraph?


The Governor has reported by telegraph that a Deputation of the supporters of the Government in the Assembly introduced by the Prime Minister had petitioned him to dissolve. Last night a further telegram was received stating that the Governor had received a strong protest from the Opposition Members against this course. The Governor is in communication with his responsible advisers, and no further statement can be made at present on the subject.