HC Deb 19 September 1893 vol 17 c1595

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the communications between the Cape Colony and Mashonaland are free and undisturbed; and whether the authorities in Mashonaland have recently received any message from King Lo Bengula? Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will also state whether there is any confirmation of the telegram in The Standard of this morning which states that Matabele impis are slowly advancing towards Mashonaland, and that Lo Bengula himself is taking up a strong position midway between his kraal and the boundary near the Matoppo Hills, a range of granite kops about 30 miles east of Butuwayo?


We have no confirmation at present of that statement; but I hope there has been some exaggeration in connection with it. As to the question on the Paper, the communications between Cape Colony and Mashonaland are, as far as we are aware, still free and undisturbed. The authorities of Mashonaland have not, as far as we are aware, received any message from Lo Bengula. We are expecting a message to the Queen from Lo Bengula, which I suppose we shall soon receive.