HC Deb 14 September 1893 vol 17 c1137

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the condition of lunatics in the workhouses of Ireland, and especially at Belfast, as disclosed by the Annual Report of the Inspectors; whether he is aware that one of the greatest obstacles to the removal of these patients to regular asylums is the fact that pauper lunatics in workhouses are supported out of the poor rate, which is paid half by the owners, while pauper lunatics in asylums are supported out of the county cess, which is paid wholly by the occupiers; and whether he will consult with hon. Members on both sides of the House with a view to putting an end to this state of things?


The incidence of taxation in respect to maintenance of pauper lunatics in district lunatic asylums and in workhouses is as stated, but I understand that the principal obstacle in the way of the transfer of inmates of unsound mind from workhouses to district asylums lies in the fact that these latter institutions are so overcrowded as to afford no accommodation for such patients. The subject has been fully dealt with in the Report of the Departmental Committee on Irish Lunacy Administration which was presented to Parliament in 1891. As regards the case of Belfast, I am informed that the Board of Governors of the district asylum are providing increased accommodation for the patients, and it is expected that this accommodation will be completed in a couple of weeks. The workhouse buildings are also being extended with a similar object. With respect to the concluding paragraph, the hon. and learned Gentleman may rest assured that the whole question is receiving my most careful attention, and I hope to have an early opportunity of conferring with the Inspectors of Lunatic Asylums and ascertaining what steps can be taken to lessen the overcrowded condition of these institutions.