HC Deb 11 September 1893 vol 17 c826
MR. T. SHAW (Hawick, &c.)

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate what progress has been made in fixing the boundaries of the jurisdiction of the Sheriff Court recently established in Hawick, and what is the cause of the delay in completing the arrangements for the business of the Court; whether it is the case that an attempt is being made to have the parishes of Ashkirk, Minto, Hobkirk, and Lilliesleaf deprived of the advantages and convenience of the new jurisdiction, and what course he intends to pursue with reference thereto; and whether, in the appointment of a Sheriff Clerk Depute, strict regard shall be had to the provisions of the law which prohibit such clerk practising directly or indirectly before the Court?

THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. B. BALFOUR,) Clackmannan, &c.

The Draft Order establishing the new Court at Hawick is now before me, and would have been ere now transmitted to the Secretary for Scotland had it not been that there is dissatisfaction in certain quarters—that the parishes named in my hon. Friend's question are omitted from the new district. I have asked the Sheriff to report both in regard to this matter, and in regard to the appointment of a Sheriff Clerk Depute, which must, I think, be made subject to the restriction named. The delay has arisen solely from the causes now stated.