HC Deb 04 September 1893 vol 16 cc1983-4

Motion made and Question proposed, "That the Second Reading be deferred till Monday, 18th September."


asked why the Government were not prepared to read the Bill a second time to-night? The Chancellor of the Exchequer and every Member who had spoken on the Ministerial and on the Opposition side of the House were in favour of the Bill. Why, therefore, should not they proceed with the Second Reading tonight? The proposal to defer the measure until the 18th instant was an extraordinary one, for it would then be impossible to deal with it. The Home Secretary had assured them that the Bill came within the list of those which could be reasonably dealt with before the close of the Session; and certainly the conditions he had laid down as entitling the Bill to be considored non-controversial were satisfied so far as this Bill and the Loudon Members were concerned. He asked the Home Secretary to bring what influence he could to bear upon the other Members of the Government to induce them to read this Bill a second time tonight.


The right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer, at an early period, said he would proceed with no Government Bills tonight. The last Bill was only dealt with by the general assent of the House, and it was essentially a non-controversial measure. The right hon. Gentleman said that on Thursday he would make a statement as to the Bills to be proceeded with this Session; therefore, I think it would only be fair to put the Bill down for that day.

Second Reading deferred till Thursday.