HC Deb 23 November 1893 vol 18 cc1537-8
MR. E. H. BAYLEY (Camberwell, N.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that Dr. Turner, senior surgeon at the Colonial Hospital, Gibraltar, was accused of improper conduct in the case of a female inmate, upon whom he performed a surgical operation in the presence of the hospital nurse, and that the Magistrate dismissed the charge; whether he is also aware that the President of the Hospital Board, who was also Chief Justice of Gibraltar, was ordered by the Governor to hold an inquiry, but declined, and was required to resign in consequence; and that the Colonial Secretary was thereupon appointed President of the Hospital Hoard in his place, and did open the inquiry; and whether that inquiry was dropped; and, if so, for what reason?


In December, 1891, a charge of assault was brought against the surgeon of the Colonial Hospital by a woman who had been tin inmate of the hospital, and was dismissed by the Magistrate. The late Governor directed the Board of Commissioners of the hospital to hold an inquiry. The Chief Justice, who was the Chairman, declined to take part in the inquiry, and resigned the office of Chairman. The Colonial Secretary was appointed in his place: but no inquiry was held, the Governor having submitted he matter to the Secretary of State, who, after calling upon the surgeon for an explanation on one point, was satisfied with his explanation, and considered the inquiry unnecessary.