HC Deb 20 November 1893 vol 18 c1273
MR. POWELL WILLIAMS (Birmingham, S.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether any attempt to classify immigrant aliens arriving from Continental ports at London and Hull is made by the Customs or Board of Trade Departments; and, if so, whether a Return can be given as to the number of destitute, diseased, and undesirable immigrants who have landed in the country during the last six months?


Alien immigrants arriving from the Continent are classified according to their nationalities, the ports from which they come, and the ports at which they have arrived in this country. Returns showing these particulars are published annually in the Reports on Emigration and Immigration issued by the Board of Trade, and there is also a Return laid monthly before the House giving these particulars except the nationalities. In addition, Reports are obtained by the Customs Department as to the means and condition of the Russo-Polish immigrants arriving by most of the ships bringing such immigrants to London, but it would not be possible to give a Return such as that suggested by the hon. Member.