HC Deb 17 November 1893 vol 18 c1236

Mr. Speaker, I have been requested by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister to communicate to the House the terms of settlement of the coal dispute, which we announced on Monday night last we were hopeful would be arrived at. The terms run as follows:— Terms of settlement of the coal dispute agreed upon between the representatives of the Federated Coalowners and of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, at a conference held at the Foreign Office on Friday, November 17, 1808, Lord Rosebery, K.G., in the chair. (1) That a Board of Conciliation be constituted forthwith, to last for one year at least, consisting of an equal number of coalowners and miners' representatives, 14 of each. They shall at their first meeting endeavour to elect a chairman from outside, and, should they fail, will ask the Speaker of the House of Commons to nominate one. The chairman to have a casting vote. That the Board, when constituted, shall have power to determine from time to time the rate of wages on and from February 1, 1894. The first meeting to be on Wednesday, December 13, 1893, at the Westminster Palace Hotel. (2) That the men resume work at once at the old rate of wages until February 1, 1804. It is agreed that all collieries, so far as practicable, be reopened for work forthwith, and that, so far as practicable, no impediment be placed in the way of the return of the men to work. We, the undersigned, Chairmen and Secretaries of the Federated Coalowners and of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, on behalf of those represented at this conference, agree to the above terms of settlement of the present coal dispute. Signed— On behalf of the Coalowners— A. M. CHAMBERS, Chairman. THOS. RATCLIFFE ELLIS, Secretary. On behalf of the Miners' Federation.— BENJAMIN PICKARD, Chairman. THOMAS ASHTON, Secretary. ROSEBERY, Chairman of Conference. H. LLEWELLYN SMITH, Secretary of Conference. The House, I am sure, will rejoice in the termination of this disastrous conflict, and also that you, Sir, have consented to exercise the powers which are vested in yon in case you are called upon to act.

Motion agreed to.

House adjourned accordingly at five minutes after Twelve o'clock till Monday next.