HC Deb 17 November 1893 vol 18 cc1147-8
MR. SEYMOUR KEAY (Elgin and Nairn)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that a person named Surwur Jung has, under the support of the British Resident, succeeded in obtaining for himself all the real power in the Hyderabad State; whether he is aware that the Resident is charged with having prejudiced the course of justice in Hyderabad by publicly favouring Surwur Jung, one of the parties to an important suit tried for nine mouths before his own Court; and that Surwur Jung extorted a bribe of Rs.100,000 from the Prime Minister of Hyderabad by threats; whether the Minister's chief advisers have been banished, one of them at least, on the Resident's express recommendation, while Surwur Jung, the recipient of the bribe, has been exonerated from all blame; whether he is aware that the Resident has endeavoured to procure the dismissal of the Minister as well as of his advisers; and whether Her Majesty's Government will represent to the Government of India the necessity of a reversal of the policy whereby the present deadlock has been produced in the Hyderabad State?

SIR E. GREY (who replied)

said: The Secretary of State is in correspondence with the Government of India regarding the events at Hyderabad to which the hon. Member's questions allude. Such Papers as he has already received from the Government of India show that the view taken by that Government of the transactions referred to differs considerably from the conclusions indicated in the hon. Member's questions; but, pending the receipt of a further Report promised by the Government of India, the Secretary of State must withhold his answer to the questions.