HC Deb 10 November 1893 vol 18 cc658-9

May I ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies if he has any confirmation of the news which appears in this morning's papers with regard to affairs in Matabeleland, especially with respect to the capture of Buluwayo and the flight of the King Lobengula?

MR. LABOUCHERE (Northampton)

Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will state at the same time whether he has any confirmation of what is reported in the newspapers, that the commander of the Chartered Company's forces has sent word to Lobengula that unless he surrenders on the promise of personal safety more Matabele will be killed and more of their kraals will be burned?


I have no further information beyond that which I communicated to the House last night in reference to this matter, or subsequent to the telegrams which appeared in the papers this morning, to the effect that some of the Company's troops were in occupation of Buluwayo, and that Lobengula had fled. It was on the basis of that, though I had not the actual facts that appear in the papers this morning, that I stated that I hoped that in consequence of that no further hostilities would be necessary. As regards the question of my hon. Friend the Member for Northampton, I understand that a message has been sent to Lobengula, on a guarantee of his personal safety and good treatment, asking him to come in, so that hostilities may be brought to an end. I think we shall all agree that the best hope for a speedy peace will be that Lobengula will come in and the Matabele lay down their arms, and that hostilities may be brought to an end.


Can the hon. Gentleman state what will take place if Lobengula does not come in?


Not being on the spot, I am afraid I cannot answer that question.