HC Deb 09 November 1893 vol 18 c528
MR. BARTON (Armagh, Mid.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India whether Dr. John Bradshaw has been superseded in the appointment of Acting Director of Public Instruction in the Presidency of Madras, and Mr. Monro appointed in his place, although Dr. Bradshaw has been over 22½ years in the Educational Service of the Madras Government, and is senior officer qualified for the post, and Mr. Monro is junior to Dr. Bradshaw by nine years; and whether any reply has been sent by the Department to the Memorial of Dr. Bradshaw praying that the appointment may be conferred on him?


It is true that the Government of Madras, with whom the appointment rests, have selected MR. Monro, and that Dr. Bradshaw has sent in a Memorial on the subject, which is now under the consideration of the Secretary of State in Council.