§ SIR E. WATKIN (Hythe)I beg to ask the President of the Local Govern- 343 ment Board whether his attention has been drawn to complaints of the sanitary state of the principal hotel (the Palace) at Birkdale, near Southport; and whether he is aware that, although the Report of the Local Authority promised on the 3rd of October has not yet been sent in, the managers of the hotel are receiving visitors irrespective of the complaints made; and if he will cause representations to be made to the Local Authority which will bring their Report to light without delay?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Mr. H. H. FOWLER,) Wolverhampton, E.I have no information respecting the matter referred to in this question, except that contained in the papers which the hon. Member sent to me. I will communicate with the Local Authority on the subject, and perhaps my hon. Friend will be kind enough to put the question down again.