HC Deb 06 November 1893 vol 18 cc216-7
MR. SAUNDERS (Newington, Walworth)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he has received protests from the Land Restoration League and others against the new bye-laws made by the County Council of Essex, which prohibits the use of any tent or van or other similar structure on any land within 200 yards of a road or dwelling-house, so as to cause annoyance, injury, or disturbance to residents in the neighbourhood; and if these bye-laws have been sanctioned by the Home Office; and, if so, will he take into consideration the desirability of obtaining an Order in Council disallowing the proposed bye-laws?


The protests referred to have been received. The bye-laws, restricted in their application to the populous portion of Essex within the Metropolitan Police District, were some time ago passed provisionally by the Home Office, upon the distinct understanding, however, that all objections which might be received would have to be fully considered. The County Council have been given an opportunity of replying to the objections which have been received, and, in order to allow full time for the consideration of the question, I have extended the time which has to elapse before the bye-laws come into force for three months.

MR. CONYBEARE (Cornwall, Camborne)

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a great quantity of roadside wastes in Essex have recently been enclosed by adjoining landowners?


I have not heard that. I can only say I shall be willing to consider any representations made to me.