HC Deb 06 November 1893 vol 18 c215
MR. MACDONA (Southwark, Rotherhithe)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that two lightermen, named Richard George Clements and William James Phillips, were drowned by a collision which occurred off Greenwich between the steamship Tees, of Stockton, and the barge Tim, belonging to the South Eastern Railway Company, on Sunday, 17th September; that on 2nd October, at the Coroner's inquest held at Greenwich, the verdict was given that the deceased men died from drowning through being wilfully and negligently run down on the barge Tim by the steamer Tees, and that the pilot of the Tees was William Bishop; and that the jurors find the said William Bishop guilty of manslaughter; and what steps will the Government take to prevent a recurrence of such a calamity, and to further protect the lives of watermen and lightermen from being sacrificed whilst at their work by steamers passing up and down the Thames?


My attention has been drawn to the case to which the hon. Member refers, and I understand that proceedings are being taken against the pilot of the Tees. The Board of Trade, in conjunction with the Thames Conservancy Board, are taking steps (by prosecution and otherwise) to secure the greater safety of life and property on the Thames; and, during the last few mouths, several cases of negligent navigation and travelling at an undue rate of speed have been successfully prosecuted.