HC Deb 03 November 1893 vol 18 cc109-10
MR. DODD (Essex, Maldon)

I hog to ask the Parliamentary Charity Commissioner whether his attention has been called to the statements as to St. Katharine's Hospital and its management in The Sun newspaper of the 19th September, 1893, to the effect that last year £6,402 was expended to obtain £751 benefit; that the Master receives £1,200 a-year, including £400 towards house rent; that the endowments provide for the reading of the lessons by three brothers at £300 a-year each and a residence, and that some of them do not, in fact, reside there, but let their residence; that the bedsmen who should receive £10 a-year each are nearly all dead, and that fresh recipients are not appointed; can he state who is the Visitor or Patron of the Charity; and if the statements are, in the main, accurate, whether he will bring the matter to the attention of Her Majesty's Government and the Charity Commission, with a view to the introduction of a Bill to enable the Charity Commission to propound a now scheme, and to investigate the present and past administration of the Charity, and also lay the facts before the Visitor or Patron in order to obtain the assent and assistance of the Visitor or Patron in relation to the steps required to reform the Charity?

* THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. W. E. GLADSTONE,) (who replied) Edinburgh, Midlothian

said: I have been in communication with the Lord Chancellor upon this matter. The particulars of the income and expenditure of the hospital are not stated in the question so as to give a true impression of the facts. They will require further explanation, but that could not be given in reply to a question. The hospital is at present governed under Rules drawn up by Lord Chancellor Cairns in 1878, under a Warrant from Her Majesty. Those Rules are, in the main, founded on the Report of the Royal Commission presided over by Lord Chancellor Hatherley. The Queen has, however, directed the present Lord Chancellor to look into the matter. He will obey Her Majesty's commands, and submit for Her Majesty's approval any modification of the Rules which may appear to be desirable in existing circumstances.