HC Deb 18 May 1893 vol 12 c1255

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether, since 27th February last, any steps have been taken to procure from the Admiralty steam cruisers for the purpose of protecting the fishermen on the North-West Coast of Scotland and the Western Isles against trawlers?


Yes, Sir; communications have been passing between the Scottish Office and the Admiralty, in order to insure that, when the great summer herring fishery begins the usual additional cruisers given for its protection shall be forthcoming.

MR. BUCHANAN (Aberdeenshire, E.)

May I ask whether, seeing that the Secretary to the Admiralty has declined in this house any responsibility on the part of his Department for supplying sufficient ships for this purpose, he will consider the advisability of inserting in the Sea Fisheries Regulation Bill some provision for maintaining a proper sea fleet? Otherwise the new Act will not be workable.


That is a very interesting and proper suggestion, but I am not sure it will be necessary to introduce any legislation. The Fishery Board, undoubtedly, is not at all prepared to acquiesce in the amount of protection now afforded by the Admiralty, and I am quite aware that it is not sufficient.


Will the right he n Gentleman apply to the Treasury for money to purchase vessels to be at the disposal of the Fishery be and?


That is a proper matter for consideration. Lancashire has a vessel of its own, but then that is a rich county. With regard to the summer herring fishery, I have every reason to believe that the protection given by the Admiralty will be sufficient.


Will steps be taken to secure the removal of that old sailing tub, the Jackal, which costs more to keep up than it is worth?

[No answer was given.]

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