HC Deb 15 May 1893 vol 12 c927

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if sufficient Returns have been received from Ireland to enable him to form an opinion as to the number of persons in Ireland who will be qualified to vote under a £20 franchise; and if he will inform the House?


The number of persons possessing the £20 franchise is a matter which can be sufficiently estimated so far as occupiers are concerned from the Return No. 104 of the present Session, which gives 162,000 of these; deductions would have to be made for persons who are both occupiers and owners, and in respect of women occupiers. I may be asked, perhaps, what will be the estimate of owners entitled to vote under this franchise. To this I am unable at present to give an exact answer; but the Government are trying to get a reasonably approximate estimate, which will be made known as soon as the Government receive it.

MR. W. M'LAREN (Cheshire, Crewe)

Will the Chief Secretary make the promised Return showing in parallel columns the numbers of female and male occupiers?


Since I made the promise I have found it will be very difficult to fulfil it. The authorities in Dublin are still considering it, and if it can be obtained I will give it.