§ MR. DANEI bog to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a meeting was recently held in the vicinity of Ballyclogh, North Cork, to take into consideration the conduct of two families named Davidson and Connor for going into occupation of evicted farms; that in consequence these families have since been severely boycotted; and that members of these families are hooted at whenever they enter the adjacent village; and what steps, if any, have been taken to afford them protection?
§ MR. FLYNNBefore the right hon. Gentleman answers the question, I should like to ask him whether the incidents referred to did not occur in 1892, long before the meeting in question was held; 919 and whether one of the parties named has not been prosecuted by the police for firing a revolver, and whether a claim for malicious burning has not been preferred by these people, and for reasons best known to themselves abandoned?
MR. J. MORLEYI am not well informed with respect to the particulars to which the hon. Member opposite refers. I am, however, aware of the disgraceful proceedings that have recently taken place at Ballyclogh with regard to the little children attending the schools, and I have expressed a very strong opinion with regard to them. I have instructed the police to closely watch the case, and to afford all necessary protection to the two families named, and proceedings will be instituted against certain persons who have been guilty of acts of violence.