§ MR. GRAHAM (St. Pancras, W.)I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether there has been a large increase of sickness among the Money Order clerks since the removal of this branch of the Service from Aldersgate Street to the disused prison in Coldbath Fields; and whether the removal of this branch to Coldbath Fields, which was stated to be temporary four years ago, is now intended to be permanent; and, if not, when will it be removed from the disused prison of Coldbath Fields?
§ MR. HANBURY (Preston)At the same time, I will ask the right hon. Gentleman whether his attention has been called to the largely-increased amount of sickness among the Money Order Office clerks since their removal four years ago from St. Martin's-le-Grand to the old chapel in Coldbath Fields Prison; whether he will at once take steps to remedy the existing insanitary conditions there; and what was the Report of the independent sanitary expert who inspected this office in 1891?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. A. MORLEY,) Nottingham, E.With reference to the Money Order Office at Mount Pleasant, I have given to this matter considerable attention. I have visited the office myself, as did both my predecessors, and I have received several Reports from the Medical Officer of the Department and also from the Office of Works. I have come to the conclusion that there is no real 53 ground for regarding the premises as insanitary. The branch was transferred to Mount Pleasant four years ago, in 1889, and since that time the average sick absence has not been abnormal except during the last two years, when there has been an increase, similar to what has taken place in other branches, and which has been due to the epidemic of influenza. There was no Report of an independent sanitary expert in 1891. There was a Report by the Office of Works dated 13th November, 1891, in which it was stated that the sanitary arrangements were in good working order, and that there were no grounds for an independent examination of the premises. If either of the hon. Members can furnish mo with evidence in support of their statements I will gladly examine them.