§ MR. WHARTON (York, W. R., Ripon)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the serious objections to the use in markets and fairs of dial weighing machines for weighing cattle, as they are generally graded in divisions only of 28 lbs., and are practically untrustworthy; and whether he would be prepared to enforce, by legislation or otherwise, the usage by Market Authorities of machines graded in divisions of 1 lb.?
§ MR. H. GARDNERYes, Sir; my attention has been directed to the objections against the use of insufficiently graded machines for weighing cattle, and I think there is great force in the representations made to me on the subject. In view of the fact that the Market Authorities are required by law to provide and maintain sufficient and suitable accommodation for weighing cattle, unless exempted by Order of the Board of Agriculture, my impression is that further legislation is not necessary; and I shall be glad to receive and consider particulars of any case in which there is reason to believe that the accommodation provided is not of the character contemplated by the statute.