HC Deb 23 March 1893 vol 10 cc891-2

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is the fact that the newly-elected Armenian Katholicos Khrimian is still detained at Jerusalem, and is prevented by the Turkish Authorities from prosecuting his journey from there to Etchmiadzin; whether such detention constitutes a violation of those portions of the 62nd Article of the Berlin Treaty, which provides that the freedom and outward exercise of all forms of worship are assured to all, and no hindrance shall be offered either to the hierarchical organisation of the various communions or to their relations with their spiritual chiefs, and that ecclesiastics, pilgrims, and monks of all nationalities travelling in Turkey hi Europe or in Turkey in Asia, shall enjoy the same rights, advantages, and privileges; and whether the continued imprisonment of the Archbishops of Marash and Zeitoun constitutes a violation both of the 61st and of the 62nd Articles of the Berlin Treaty?


No such information has reached the Foreign Office. The Archbishops were tried on charges of sedition. Irregularities are stated to have taken place in the conduct of the trial. Whether the stipulations of the Treaty of Berlin have been infringed thereby, and in what measure, can only be ascertained by a strict inquiry on the spot as to the mode in which the trial was carried on, and Her Majesty's Government trust that the Sultan will of his own initiative order such inquiry to be instituted.