HC Deb 21 March 1893 vol 10 c664

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to a serious accident to a man, named James M'Grith, who was run over on the 11th inst. at Dalmally station level crossing, and has since died of the injuries received; whether it is a fact that there is no light at this crossing, which is the only access from the station to the main road; and whether this poor man, with one leg severed below the knee and one arm below the shoulder, was in this condition sent by train to the Poor House at Oban, instead of being treated in the station or in the hotel adjacent?


I have been in communication with the Caledonian Railway Company in regard to the accident in question, which occurred at Loch Awe Station and not Dalmally. I am informed that there is no light immediately opposite the crossing, but there is a lamp between the crossing and the station platform about 25 yards from the crossing. This lamp was not lighted on the night of the accident owing to the stormy nature of the weather. After the accident the unfortunate man was carefully conveyed by the station master to a comfortable waiting-room, and placed on a mattress in front of the fire, and two doctors were sent for. They remained in attendance night and day until the man was in a condition to be removed to the hospital at Oban, which is the only one in the district. The doctor in charge there reports that the medical men who first visited the case did all they could do to arrest hæmorrhage and prevent collapse. I shall be glad to show the hon. Member the Report which I have received.