HC Deb 20 March 1893 vol 10 c489
MR. HANBURY (Preston)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury when he proposes to lay upon the Table the Return which he promised of the prices of paper and the firms from whom it is bought; whether he can now state the names of the firms who, as mentioned in the Stationery Office Report for 1890, sent in 29,845 reams of paper which were absolutely rejected, and 12,370 reams which were only accepted at reduced prices, as being in various respects of inferior quality; and will he state the amount of orders given by the Stationery Department to each of such firms since they attempted to supply such inferior articles?


The Controller of the Stationery Office is now preparing a Memorandum in further explanation of the statements made by me to the House on the Supplementary Estimate. I am not without hope that this Memorandum, which will be ready in a day or two, will give my hon. Friend substantially the information for which he asks.


Will the right hon. Gentleman endeavour to get the information asked for in the last two paragraphs?


I will inquire.