HC Deb 20 March 1893 vol 10 cc505-6
MR. MILDMAY (Devonshire, Totnes)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what steps the Admiralty propose to take in order to carry out the recommendations of the Committee on Target Practice Seawards; and whether it is their intention to prohibit all firing by gunboats over the coast fishing grounds in the neighbourhood of Plymouth, in accordance with the views expressed in the Report?


The Report has only just been published. It will be thoroughly considered. Meanwhile, arrangements have been, or will be, made at Plymouth and Sheerness respectively, both to enable the firing to take place further out at sea and to secure a better lookout being kept. The Commander-in-Chief at Plymouth will be directed to give the orders he considers necessary to carry out the recommendations of the Committee with reference to the coast fishing grounds.