MR. GIBSON BOWLES (Lynn Regis)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can explain why a Copy of the Bill relative to the Newfoundland coast and fisheries, under the title of "The Fishery Treaties Act, 1892," and which is published in the French Yellow Book for 388 1892, and laid before the French Chambers, has not yet been laid before this House; whether the Bill in question was rejected by the Newfoundland Legislature; whether he will now lay upon the Table a Copy of that Bill and of the Correspondence concerning it, together with the Report thereon of the Joint Committee of both Houses of the Newfoundland Legislature; and whether, as a matter of fact, the Newfoundland Legislature have objected to the Court proposed by that Bill to be erected, and to the absence of any provision for compensation in cases of losses arising from any arbitration award, and that it has also protested against any partial arbitration with France on the lobster question alone, until arbitration regarding all questions arising under the various matters regarding Newfoundland be agreed upon?
§ MR. S. BUXTONThe Bill and Correspondence have not been published, as the Report of the Joint Committee referred to has not yet been received and considered by Her Majesty's Government. As I have already informed the right hon. Member for the Toxteth Division of Liverpool, Papers will be laid when the Correspondence is more complete, and when they can be given consistently with the public interests. The Bill was rejected by the Newfoundland Legislature. From the telegraphic information which we have received, the facts appear to be as stated in the last paragraph of the question.
§ MR. BUXTONThe Bill is included with the Correspondence in the Report of the Joint Committee which we have not yet received.