HC Deb 16 March 1893 vol 10 cc251-2
SIR GEORGE BADEN-POWELL (Liverpool, Kirkdale)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the British Government have granted permission for a railway from Swaziland to the coast to be made on behalf of the Government of the South African Republic, south of 278 of south latitude; whether the Crown Agents for the Colonies have come to any decision on the proposal to build a railway from Sordwana Bay to Swaziland by an English syndicate; whether he is aware that deposits of valuable steam coal have been discovered near the coast on the line of the proposed railway; and whether he will now lay upon the Table any further Correspondence on the subject?


The only agreement with the South African Republic on this subject is contained in Articles 11-21 of the Convention of 1890 (C-6217), entered into by the late Government, under which the South African Republic were accorded the right to make arrangements for the construction of a railway from Swaziland to Kosi Bay. As regards the second point, the representative of the promoters of the scheme for the construction of a railway from Sordwana Bay across Zululand was referred some time ago, in the ordinary course, to the Crown Agents for the Colonies, in order that they should report to the Secretary of State as to the practicability of the scheme and the financial resources of its promoters. The promoters have not, however, as yet communicated with the Crown Agents. As regards the third question, the Secretary of State has no official information on the subject. If the hon. Member cares to move for Papers on the subject, they will be presented.