HC Deb 16 March 1893 vol 10 cc202-3
MR. FENWICK (Northumberland, Wansbeck)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether it is a fact that contracts to supply boots for the Navy have been given to the firm of T. B. Elley and Co., of Stafford; whether he is aware that under previous contracts this firm has reduced wages and enforced conditions of labour contrary to the recognised practice of the trade in that locality; whether he is aware that the workmen belonging to this firm are at present on strike against reductions from their wages, which bring them below the current rate of the district; and whether he will undertake that no further contracts shall be placed with this firm until they comply with the terms of the Resolution of this House of 13th February, 1891?


Contracts for boots for the Navy have been given to Messrs. T. B. Elley and Co., and all have been very satisfactorily fulfilled. They hold no contract at the present moment. Allegations of the character stated in the question have been made to the Admiralty, but after full inquiry, and a complete and satisfactory reply from Messrs. Elley, the Admiralty are of opinion that the terms of the Resolution of the House of Commons of 13th February, 1891, are complied with by this firm.