HC Deb 14 March 1893 vol 10 cc88-9
SIR W. HOULDSWORTH (Manchester, N. W.)

I would appeal to the Government not to press this Report at this time of the evening (6.50). There was a very important question I wished to bring on in relation to a Vote passed last night, but I was excluded by the application of the Closure. The question is in connection with the Brussels Conference. I would ask the Government to fix the Report for a time when there can be a fair discussion.


As a point of Order, I would remind the House that the hon. Baronet has now exhausted his right to speak on the Report.


I would appeal to the hon. Baronet not to press his objection to the Report. We have only one more day for the Supplementary Estimates, and there are still 14 or 15 Votes to be taken. I do not see what opportunity there will be for the hon. Baronet to discuss this question.

MR. CHAPLIN (Lincolnshire, Sleaford)

I think that is a very vague reply to offer to the hon. Baronet. The hon. Baronet has had his notice down on the Paper for several days, and not only that, but if there is a Member of the House more entitled to have an opportunity of expressing an opinion upon this important subject than another, it is my hon. Friend, who was one of the delegates to the Brussels Conference. He took a most prominent part in all these proceedings and he was most anxious to take part in the Debate which occurred in the House about a week ago.


If the right hon. Gentleman objects, the Report of Supply cannot be taken now. Does the right hon. Gentleman object?



It being after ten minutes to Seven of the clock, and Objection being taken to Further Proceeding, the Debate stood adjourned.

Debate to be resumed upon Thursday.