HC Deb 13 March 1893 vol 9 cc1841-2
MR. HOWELL (Bethnal Green, N. E.)

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that nine of the trustees and managers of the Cardiff Trustee Bank have paid £1,000 each towards the deficiency, and one £800; and that the Marquess of Bute has consented to contribute the sum of £1,800, or some similar sum, on the condition that this amount shall go in liquidation of the losses sustained by the Friendly Societies who were depositors; and whether he can tell the House when the distribution of the funds in hand will take place?


I am informed that a sum of £10,000 has been paid, or promised, by certain trustees and managers in settlement of the claims against them. I am also informed that the Marquess of Bute has promised to pay the claims of the clubs and Friendly Societies in full. The amount required for this purpose is £2,789. The arrangements for the winding up of the liquidation and the distribution of the available funds have been unfortunately delayed by the deaths, in August last and on the 3rd instant, of two successive liquidators. Another liquidator will be appointed as soon as possible.